akwukwo nke di m

Dear u,
Good morning.
I trust that you slept well....
i miss u.
it gets worse these days.
the intensity of my feelings.
the yearning in my heart to eventurally meet you.
i no longer pray about meeting you...
but the anxiety is still hovering around in my heart.
i have made a few mistakes - thinking some other people were u.
it always ended up in hurt for me....
i am waiting.
i know u are out there.
i know cos God has said that with good things will he fufill my desires...
i know u are a "good thing".
In this period of waiting, the Creator has been moulding me into who i should be to you....
most times, the cast breaks and he starts all over again but so far so good.
i miss u.
people say u cant miss what u never had but i know because you are a part of my destiny, i have had you since the day i was conceived sometime in June of 1983 (i think).
i miss u....
i have all of me to give you....
at a stage, i knew i would give of myself more to you than i would have given to God....
but He taught me other wise.
He taught me that i wholly belonged to Him and He would give me as a "loan staff" to you.
i accept.
i love you.
perfections, imperfections and all.
i love you.
you are everything i have always wanted and more.
you intoxicate me.
you make me "high".
Thank you for accepting this call to be mine!
Thank you for wiping the secret tears away.
Thank you for being the answer to my prayers...
Thank you for loving me the way you will.
The Children are coming soon.
God has shown me the girl.
i hope she will be your favourite.
She is so pretty and i love her already!
She will be a woman after the heart of God...
she will excell above and beyond her peers.
Her name will be heard nationally and internationally for great acomplishments....
she will eat at Royal Tables.
She will announce us her parents to the world...
The sons will also come - as many as God wills us to have.
they too will be blessed.
Like the Bible says, they shall be taught of the Lord Himself and GREAT shall be our peace...
i know its only a matter of time now...
i will show u this note...
we will re-define the word love...
till we meet my darling, may the Lord keep u.
May He increase you.
May He protect you and may He mould you into ALL that He desires for you to be.
Lots of love,
Your wife!
This is so beautiful...*speechless*
The Lord bless you.
...and grant my desires...
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